Below are our recommendations of how you can promote your usage of Polar and the ability for your community to fund impactful efforts.
Organic & contextual promotion via the Polar Badge on issues is fantastic, but the most successful maintainers have also promoted it proactively using the tactics below.
Just a sanity check: You've embedded the Polar Badge across your issues, right? 😉
We offer a few ways to promote issue funding on your repositories main page. It's a great place for organic promotion given the higher traffic volume.
You should add your public Polar page as a link under ways to Sponsor this project
on GitHub. You can easily do this by adding/modifying a FUNDING.yml
file in your repository's .github
directory (default branch).
with:custom: ["{your-username/orgname}"]
Shields are lovely so Polar offers one of course 😍
<a href="{your-username/orgname}"><img src="{your-username/orgname}" /></a>
We also offer an embeddable SVG highlighting top issues for funding - sorted by
reactions and funding. A great way to promote specific funding within your
<a href="{your-username/orgname}"><img src="{your-username/orgname}" /></a>
Checkout our own GitHub Action which makes it super easy to integrate Polar and your fundable issues on your blog or in your documentation.
You could also use our API directly to build your own integrations.
Share your Polar page on your Mastodon, X/Twitter, Discord, Reddit or wherever your community is. You can also share links to the pledge page for specific issues.
We generate OG images that are relevant and more focused on funding vs. direct GitHub links to the issue.